Welcome to the Ottawa Valley Triumph Club
The Ottawa Valley Triumph Club (OVTC) is dedicated to the preservation and pure enjoyment of owning and driving a Triumph. Please check out our calendar of events, pick an activity, and come join us — we're looking forward to meeting you. Our strength is in our membership. We invite you to join our club to share experiences and enjoy our activities. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact our Treasurer and Membership representative.
Latest News
Glengarry Highland Games, 2 August
Four cars from the OVTC attended the British car display at the Glengarry Highland Games ... three TR8s and one TR3. See additional pictures on the photo page.
Club Meeting, 23 July
Good turn out of cars that included TR3, TR4A, TR6s, TR8s, and Spitfires. Mike S. gave a talk and demonstration of his eco-friendly, cost-effective rust removal process, and showed some of the pieces he had treated previously. Details on the process can be found in Mike's article. Check out pictures on Photos page.
OVTC 35th Anniversary Drive and BBQ - 22 June
Well the weather did not cooperate, but it did nothing to dampen the spirits of those who participated in the drive and BBQ to celebrate the club's 35th Anniversary. It was so good to share the fun with our friends from the Toronto Triumph Club. Thanks to everyone who contributed to making the day a success. More pictures can be found on the Photos page.
VTR Convention Celebrating 50th Anniversary of the TR7 - 8 to 12 September
There will be four OVTC Wedges heading down from Ottawa to Nashville, Indiana on 8-12 September. If you are interested in joining in the fun, please contact Mike at [email protected]. For more information see flyer.
Drives All Summer Long
Starting Sunday, 12 May, Mike S. will be leading drives around Eastern Ontario to explore sites and back roads. Drives start at 11:00 and leave from the Independent Grocer in Stittsville. See flyer for more information. Everyone is welcome.
OVTC Tool Library
Gary Kristjansson has volunteered to take the lead on this project. Gary would like to hear from all club members about their tool needs, and the tool inventories they might be willing to share with other OVTC members. Is there a specific tool that you might need on an occasional basis that is a bit too expensive to purchase, or do you have some tools you would be willing to lend to other club members? If you have ideas about how this service to members could be set up and managed, Gary would love to hear from you. Please contact Gary at [email protected].