OVTC Activities
2021 Event Photos
Mark and Anne Russel, Wendover, 18 September
Many thanks to Mark and Anne Russel for hosting a Triumph enthusiasts get together at their home on the Ottawa River in Wendover, ON. After much tire kicking, socializing, and a couple of Triumph parts "boot sales" we enjoyed a picnic lunch in the Russel's back yard with a spectacular view of the Ottawa River. Mark then lead a drive along the Ottawa River that included a photo stop at the old L'Original Jail and ended with frozen treats at the Dairy Queen in Hawkesbury.
Another Summer of Cancelled Events
Well we thought in 2020 that we would be returning to "normal" in 2021, but Covid-19 had other ideas. Another summer of cancelled events. Let's hope that 2022 let's us once again resume our normal schedule of summer events; however, 2022 has started off with more restrictions.
All OVTC activities are cancelled until at least 1 March 2022 due to
public health concerns related to COVID-19.
public health concerns related to COVID-19.
- 17 January: Winter Bash - CANCELLED Tentative date for our winter bash.
- 26 January: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 10 February: Drive Your Triumph Day - to celebrate Sir John Black's Birthday, the man who organized Standard's purchase of Triumph after the war. See this note from Rye Livingston re submitting a photo of your car (obviously ours will be in storage, or under repair in February).
- 13 February: OVTC Darts Tournament - CANCELLED Tentative date for our annual dart tournament.
- 23 February: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 23 March: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 18 April: Ancaster British Car Show and Flea Market - CANCELLED
- 27 April: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 25 May: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 4-5 June: Rendez-Vous British Québec - CANCELLED
- 20 June: Father's Day Classics Drive - Presented by the Metcalfe Agricultural Society. Volunteers will be on hand at the Fairgrounds to accept donations to Osgoode Emergency Food Cupboard. The Lion Den will be open on the grounds for anyone wishing to purchase food or beverages. See flyer for more information.
- 22 June: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 1 July: Barrhaven Drive-By Car Show for Senior Residences - Drive will start at the Hampton Inn & Suites Ottawa West, 125 Lusk Street, Nepean at 10:00am and then follow this route to visit all six of Barrhaven's seniors residences. The drive should only take about 40 minutes. Contact Mike S. if you are interested in participating in this worthwhile event or would like additional details.
- July: British Car Show at Glengarry Highland Games - CANCELLED. Glengarry Highland Games, Maxville, ON. 10:00 am- 3:00 pm. British Car Club members who participate in this British Car Show by displaying their British Car will receive free admission for two persons to The Games for the day! For more details visit www.glengarryhighlandgames.com.
- 14 July: All British Car Day (ABCD) - CANCELLED. Clarke Fields Park, 93 Houlahan Street, Ottawa, Ontario, 10 am - 4:00 pm. For more information see website.
- 14 July: Brits-in-the-Park - Organizers are preparing a virtual car show – Brits (not quite)-in-the-Park. Participants will send a photo or photos of their car along with a few notes to a dedicated email address. Here is the entry form. For more information see flyer. Here is a PDF file showing all the cars entered and the prize winners.
- 25 July: Lapping Day at Shannonville Motorsports Park - Organized by Ottawa Mini Group (OMG). For more information check out this website. Please contact Scott Mahon, the webmaster at OMG ([email protected]) if you are interested.
- 27 July: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 15 August: Barrhaven Classic Car Show - CANCELLED.
- 24 August: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 19 September: British Car Day - CANCELLED. Next year will be the 37th British Car Day, and it will be held on 18 September 2022.
- 28 September: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED. Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 17 October: Rockton British Car Flea Market - CANCELLED. Date has been set, but holding the event will be depend on COVID situation in October.
- 26 October: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED. Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- 23 November: Regular OVTC Meeting - CANCELLED. Meetings are held at the Manordale Community Centre (68 Knoxdale Road, Ottawa, ON K2G 1A4), which is located at the corner of Knoxdale and Carola in the west end of Ottawa. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
- OVTC Christmas Party - CANCELLED.
- 28 December: No regular meeting held in December.