This Portion of the Website is Dedicated to the Memory of Brian and Pat Mills

Brian and Pat were life-members of the OVTC. Brian was a regular contributor to our technical sessions, and an inspiration and guide to many club members. Brian passed away on 5 June 2013. Pat was also a strong supporter and contributor to the OVTC. Pat joined Brian once again on 11 April 2016. Pat and Brian were married for almost 49 years and are dearly missed by their many friends in the OVTC and the much broader Triumph and British car communities.
This page provides links to OVTC Resources. It includes a resource list of suppliers and vendors or Triumph-related parts and services, and poster presentations made by Brian Mills at club meetings.
We are always looking for new information, so please do not hesitate to suggest new information that could be added to our Technical Resource List.
We are always looking for new information, so please do not hesitate to suggest new information that could be added to our Technical Resource List.
Technical Resource List
A list of technical resources that includes contact information for: parts suppliers; tools, fasteners, and bearings; services and rebuilds; body work, paint, and metal suppliers; machine shops; electrical supplies, services, and repairs; instrument repairs and parts; upholstery and trim; and appraisals, insurance, and storage. PLEASE NOTE: This listing is for information only. It is not a recommendation or endorsement by the OVTC of any of the products, services, or vendors. It is provided simply as a resource to OVTC members who are seeking Triumph information and resources. It is the responsibility of each member to research the price and quality of the products and services.
Poster Presentations by Brian Mills
Over the years, Brian Mills made many presentations at club meetings. Ask any Past-President and they will vouch for Brian's willingness to pull together a well thought out and informative presentation with little notice. Most were well illustrated with posters, others were supported with loads of car parts in various states of disassembly. These posters are reproduced for easy reference as pdf files (be patient the files are quite large).