Help Needed with Photos
If you have pictures from events or meetings that are not covered in our photo archive, please share them with me. Would be great to fill in some of the blanks in our collection. If they are digital you can send directly to [email protected]; if they are hard copies I can scan them and return the originals to you. I promise to take very good care of any prints you lend me.
Photos of OVTC Member's Cars
OVTC Event Photos
Follow the year-by-year links below to view our gallery of OVTC activities.
2024 - Darts Tournament 11 February, 35th Anniversary Drive and BBQ 22 June, and Club Meeting 23 July.
2023 - Darts Tournament 18 February; Club Meeting 23 May; Hudson British Car Show 28 May, Club Drive to Newboro 10 June, Club Meeting 27 June, Club Meeting 25 July, Club Drive 5 August, Club Meeting 22 August, OVTC BBQ, Otter Lake 2 September,
OVTC Fall Colours Tour 30 September, and Christmas Party, 5 December.
OVTC Fall Colours Tour 30 September, and Christmas Party, 5 December.
2022 - Long Distance Awards; Club Meeting 26 July; Glengarry Highland Games 29 July; Chuck Hobbs Garage Tour 13 August; European Car Show, Merrickville 25 September; Fall Colours Run, Calabogie, 1 October; MG Inter-Club Trivia Challenge, 27 November; OVTC Christmas Party, 6 December.
2021 - Mark and Anne Russel, Wendover
2020 - Winter Bash; and Dart Tournament.
2019 - Winter Bash; Dart Tournament; Club Meeting, 30 April; Wedge Adventure, 7-9 June; Club Meeting, 25 June; Club Drive to Lanark; Club Drive to Westport; All British Car Day (ABCD); Club Meeting, 23 July; 30th Anniversary Drive and BBQ; Loughlin's Cruise Night, Hallville; Brits on the Lake, Port Perry; British Invasion, Hazeldean; Ottawa MG Club British Car Clubs Trivial Challenge; and Christmas Party.
2018 - Winter Bash; Dart Tournament; Club Meeting 26 June; Club Drive to Almonte; All British Car Day (ABCD); Capital City Car Show; British Car Day, Kingston; Calabogie Motorsport Park; North Augusta Car Show; Third Annual OVTC Golf Tournament; British Invasion at Hazeldean Mall; Stowe British Invasion; Merrickville Classic European Car Show; Club Meeting, 23 October; Ottawa MG Club Trivia Challenge; and Christmas Party.
2017 - Winter Bash; Dart Tournament; David B. Garage Tour; All British Car Day (ABCD); Lock 17 Drive; Club Meeting 25 July;
Montreal British Car Enthusiasts in Merrickville; Glengarry Highland Games; Boot 'n' Bonnet, Kingston; British Invasion at Hazeldean Mall; Toronto Triumph Club, British Car Day; Ottawa Austin Healey Club Fall Tour; and Annual OVTC Golf Tournament.
Montreal British Car Enthusiasts in Merrickville; Glengarry Highland Games; Boot 'n' Bonnet, Kingston; British Invasion at Hazeldean Mall; Toronto Triumph Club, British Car Day; Ottawa Austin Healey Club Fall Tour; and Annual OVTC Golf Tournament.
2016 - Winter Bash; Dart Tournament; Clean the Capital; Garage Visit; OVTC - OMGC Drive; All British Car Day (ABCD); Garden Party and Tea for Guide Dogs; Club Meeting 26 July; Glengarry Highland Games; Gananoque Run; Calabogie Motorsports Park; Boot Sale; British Invasion; North Augusta Car Show, British Car Day, Bronte; First Annual OVTC Golf Tournament; Chuck Hobbs' 1975 TR6 Restoration; and Christmas Party
2015 - Winter Bash; Darts Tournament; Go Kart Night; Clean the Capital; Canadian War Museum Restoration Shop; All British Car Day; Capital and Dominion Radiator; Maxville Highland Games; British Invasion - Hazeldean Mall; North Augusta Labour Day Festival; Ottawa Austin Healey Club Fall Tour and BBQ; and Mini Car Show at Peter D Clarke Long-Term Care Home.
2014 - Winter Bash; Dart Tournament; Garage Tour and Sale; Clean the Capital, OVTC 25th Anniversary Drive and BBQ; 10th Anniversary of ABCD; and Christmas Party.
2013 - Winter Bash (with recipes); Dart Tournament; Go-Karting; Cleaning the Capital; Garage Tour; All British Car Day; Boot 'n Bonnet (Kingston); Lift Store in Kemptville; and River Run.
2012 - Dart Tournament; Go-Karting; Fly Day; All British Car Day; and 6 Pack TRials
2011 - All British Car Day; Canadian Classic; and Joint Run with Healey Club
2010 - 6 Pack Mini Trials
2009 - Barry's Bay; OVTC Meetings; 6 Pack Mini Trials; Fall Colours Run; and Beaconsfield
2008 - British Car Show, Hudson; All British Car Day; and OVTC Meetings
2007 - Winter Bash; All British Car Day; OVTC Meetings; TriuMGee Challenge; Knoxdale Parade; Prince Edward County Run; Fall Run; Robertson House; and Joint Run with Healey Club
2006 - Christmas Party; OVTC Meetings; and Winter Bash
2005 - Knoxdale Parade; Fall Colours Tour; and OVTC Meetings
2004 - Gatineau Run; Canadian Classic in Kingston; Lanark Run; Boot and Bonnet Show Kingston; Winter Bash; Spring Fling; and OVTC Meetings
2003 - Gatineau Run; Shillitto BBQ; Rally in the Valley; Mosport; Father's Day BBQ; and OVTC Meetings
2002 - Gatineau Run; Christmas Party; Richmond Car Show; BBQ at Ken Shillitto's; Rally in the Valley; OVTC Meetings; and Canadian Tire Cruise
2001 - Gatineau Run; Richmond Car Show; Alex Bustard's; Rally in the Valley; Brockville; Kars; Ken Shillitto's BBQ; Darts Tournament; Stowe Car Show; and Christmas Party
2000 - Richmond Car Show; Al Stigter; Robin Fredette; Alex Bustard's; Rally in the Valley; Brad and Lynn Pilla's; Darts Tournament; and Christmas Party
1999 - Christmas Party