Importing Triumph Parts into Canada
Auto parts for vehicles more than 25 years old are duty free into Canada no matter the country of origin. Ask the shipper to indicate HS code 9966.00.00 on the customs declaration. This Tariff Item of the Customs Tariff gives duty free status to "articles for use solely or principally with those vehicles manufactured more than 25 years prior to the date of importation." Information about the interpretation of this tariff item can be found here.
Eligible articles are limited to those solely or principally for qualifying vehicles, and must be in keeping with the original appearance and configuration of the vehicle. These may be either original articles or reproductions.
Articles that incorporate modern safety features or other technological developments can be considered under tariff item No. 9966.00.00, provided that they are solely or principally for use with qualifying vehicles and do not compromise the original configuration of the vehicle. An example would be disc brakes designed specifically for a 1955 or 56 Triumph TR3 that did not come originally with disc brakes.
General purpose articles that can be used in vehicles covered and not covered under tariff item No. 9966.00.00 are not eligible for consideration. Therefore, reproduction door panels would be eligible as they are specific to a vehicle more than 25 years old, but tires that fit both a TR6 and a 2011 Ford would not.
Eligible articles are limited to those solely or principally for qualifying vehicles, and must be in keeping with the original appearance and configuration of the vehicle. These may be either original articles or reproductions.
Articles that incorporate modern safety features or other technological developments can be considered under tariff item No. 9966.00.00, provided that they are solely or principally for use with qualifying vehicles and do not compromise the original configuration of the vehicle. An example would be disc brakes designed specifically for a 1955 or 56 Triumph TR3 that did not come originally with disc brakes.
General purpose articles that can be used in vehicles covered and not covered under tariff item No. 9966.00.00 are not eligible for consideration. Therefore, reproduction door panels would be eligible as they are specific to a vehicle more than 25 years old, but tires that fit both a TR6 and a 2011 Ford would not.
This brief guide is given for general information only, please consult the Canada Border Services Agency if you have questions or concerns about a specific situation or issue.